Crowbar is an item in Evil Nun: Horror in the school and Evil Nun 2: Origins and is used in many of the escaping ways.
Crowbar has various uses with most of them being plank removals. They can remove planks in the Bathrooms, Laundry and School's corridor. The crowbar can also be used to remove a brick from a wall in the Sewers and replace it with Singing Fish Trophy.
In Evil Nun 2, the Player can use the Crowbar to access the Church. Also, in order to open the blooded locker in the first floor.
Appearance and Location[]
Crowbar is a fairly long black and grey colored, iron, partially rusty item.
In Evil Nun 2, it appears to be less rusty and sharper.
There are three locations of the Crowbar in Evil Nun, them being
Evil Nun[]
- Next to the groundfloor Laundry door.
- In the Kitchen.
- In a bench on the Playground.
Evil Nun 2[]
- Attic, between the two rakes in the storage.