Evil Nun Wiki

Eagle Junior High School is where Sister Madeline lives, and it is also the place where all major events of the original game happen.


Evil Nun The Broken Mask[]

The school has several places and is certainly big. Some of them are:

School Places
Name Access Added in
Spawn Bedroom Free 1.0.0
Ritual Room Free 1.0.0
Pink Key 1.1.8

Evil Nun 2[]

The school is very different from its Evil Nun: The Broken Mask counterpart with the addition of vents where it can lead you to different areas of the school.

  • Spawn Room (which is Sister Madeline's personal room)
  • Nuns' Rooms
  • Vents
  • Hallway
  • Attic
  • Church
  • Bathrooms
  • Classrooms
  • Garden
  • Kitchen


    • Eagle's Junior High School is based on real-life schools institutions based in Ireland called the Magdalene Laundries (also known as the Magdalene Asylums). They were run by the Catholic Orders and it was infamous for imprisoning women and children and treat them like slaves in the past.
    • The school in Evil Nun 2 is very different from its Evil Nun 1 counterpart. The reason for this reconstruction will revealed in the release of Evil Nun: The Broken Mask - which is the PC version of the mobile game, Evil Nun 1.
    • Rod studied in Eagle's High School as a child, however rather ironically, he never met his mother, Sister Madeline despite the fact she was forced to stay in the school for 40 years. This could mean that there might be multiple Eagle's High Schools in different parts of the USA (in the Keplerians Universe).