Evil Nun Wiki

Elisa is a character mentioned in Evil Nun 2: Origins. She is the dead daughter of Sister Madeline. She is briefly shown via some pictures in cutscenes.




Her behavior is the same as rod's behavior since he has her soul, As Rod, she is a cheerful child and really loves her life at school and even calls her school her second home.


Elisa is a female name with ancient Hebrew origins. It means "God is a promise."


Elisa perished during World War II in 1938. In an attempt to find solace and restore her daughter's life, Sister Madeline, Elisa's mother, embarked on a journey to the United States of America, where she sought refuge in becoming a nun. However, the memory of her beloved daughter remained deeply ingrained within her, leading her to engage in rituals aimed at resurrecting Elisa. In an unforeseen turn of events, Sister Madeline found herself impregnated through Nàzrat's Magic, resulting in the birth of a child named "Rod," who is a reincarnation of Elisa.

Being Rod[]

Rod Sullivan, (check the history part)



  • According to William Bismarch's speech when he checks one of the pictures in one of the classrooms, he has seen Elisa before.
  • Her birth is somewhere in the early 1930s.
  • It is unknown how William knows Elisa. It might be that William knew or possibly met Elisa way before.