Evil Nun Wiki

A Game Over is the cutscene that the Protagonist will receive for the failure of his mission. After a Game Over, the Player gets taken back to the Main Menu.

Evil Nun[]

Mask Ending[]

This ending shows the protagonist being held up in the air and then he looks around and then he looks at Sister Madeline. Sister Madeline puts a mask on the protagonist's face and pushes him down into the Laundry room. This ending can be triggered by failing all days.

Cemetery Ending[]

The Nun kicks the Protagonist inside a hole in the ground and then buries him alive with the Shovel.

Evil Nun 2[]

Garden Ending[]

This ending is similar to the Cemetery Ending in Evil Nun 1, but with Sister Madeline saying that William is no useful for the ritual, the Protagonist then says he is alive and wanted to go out while coughing.

Ritual Ending[]

William realizes that Sister Madeline is singing a mysterious song while her mutant chickens are dancing, William moans and tells Sister Madeline to stop singing, after Sister Madeline stops singing, she tells her dead daughter Elisa that she will give her everything if she fulfill her wish and enter the flesh of William, William is then set on fire and screams and criticises Sister Madeline that she is ugly and evil, Sister Madeline then says that the spell needs to be used again and says that William is not the right child for her ritual.


Evil Nun[]



Rescue The Children[]


Evil Nun 2[]




  • There was a sacrifice ending which was similar to the Evil Nun 2 Ritual Ending but it was removed in Version 1.1.1.