Evil Nun Wiki

Ghost Mode is one of the six Game Modes in Evil Nun adaptions.


  • Sister Madeline cannot see you, meaning that the Protagonist is free to explore the school without getting caught by Sister Madeline. This is perfect for beginners. But there are still some dangerous things to do.
  • Sister Madeline moves at normal speed, meaning that it has the same mechanics as Normal Mode but without her seeing you.
  • Sister Philippa can‘t see you.


Coming soon...


  • This is the only Game Mode where the Player shall randomly receive ads during the gameplay.
  • Even if the Ghost Mode prevents the protagonist from getting caught by Sister Madeline, she can still scare the protagonist somehow, because she still goes wherever a sound was made.
  • A glitch is that, if you lose all the 5 days in Ghost Mode, you'll still get the bad ending with Sister Madeline "seeing you" and putting you up the mask, as she is not supposed to see you in Ghost Mode.