The Item Locations will tell you where the items locate at but keep in mind that some items will spawn randomly.
General Spawning[]
The items always put there:
- Scissors: In the locked locker
- Small cable: Kitchen drawers
- Eagle Wings: Gym (Attained by cutting the rope)
- Spring: Trampoline ( When you keep jumping on the trampoline it will release )
- Coke: Soda machine
- Blueprints: Inside the mysterious man's cabin ( You must have the mask on and kill the laundry nun or cut the bell wires while she is sleeping )
- Torch: Made by dropping a stick into the nun's fires
- Fire Extinguisher: Everywhere
- Bunch of Keys: Garage
- Fuel Tanks: Laundry room
- Pet Chicken: On the hen room
- Cookie box: Secretary Room,on the ceiling( Attained using broom)
- Main Door Key: Inside the cookie box
- Coins: Everywhere
- Dynamite: Secret room of the 3rd classroom ( Place Bible on Pedestal )
- Books:Cabin
- Moon stone: Clock ( Attained by setting the correct time shown on the two statues outside the graveyard )
- Earth Stone: One of the graves ( using the shovel )
- Sun Stone:2nd Classroom (using code found on the grave of the correct nun, enter it into the teacher's desk )
- Recorders: Inside the school
- Ball: In the gym
- Explosive dipper: Starting bedroom (Buy using coins)
- Flame Thrower: Starting bedroom (Buy using coins)
- Black key: Drawer of the bunker (Attain using Grail)
- Pink key: Drawer of the bunker (Attain using Grail)
- Recipe: Drawer of the bunker (Attain using Grail)
- Safe key: Drawer of the bunker (Attain using Grail)
Item Location[]
- Yellow key: Kitchen drawers - Storage room -1st Bathroom sink - Secretary Room,Desk Drawer
- Bunch of corns: Garage - Kitchen (In the back with the shelves) - Secret room
- Broom: Hallway cabinet - Storage cabinet - Dining room cabinet(Upstairs)
- Crowbar: Kitchen - Cemetery - Beside the elevator
- Goat's head: 2nd bathroom - Kitchen - Outside of the Laboratory
- White blanket: Hidden room,on the black stool - Laboratory,on top of the table
- Grail: Kitchen (Above the hiding place) - Cabinet outside of the spawn room - Library,on top of the small shelf
- Definitive Bible: Under the bed - Store room - On the pillow of the telephone room - secret room - Men's Bathroom, on top of the toilet
- Shovel: Ritual Room,in the corner - Hen room - Garage
- Crank: 1st bathroom