Secret Bunker is an underground place in Eagle Junior High School. It is accesible via Spawn Room. The Protagonist, in order to access it, has to escape the School or wait for 24 hours.
1.1.1 - 1.1.8[]
The door of it, is a bookshelf that can be pushed back if the Protagonist opens the lid in a red lunchbox placed there (Until 24 hours have passed or you have escaped the school already). Then, he will face some rusty stairs that will lead to the Bunker. The Bunker is a straight catacomb-like tunnel that has some paintings in the left side and some items in the right one. In the end of it, there is a Mysterious Mold that has the hole of a Mask. The Protagonist has to take the items in the right side and complete the given challenges.
1.2.0 onwards[]
The Secret Bunker is behind a bookshelf in the Spawn Room with a button which you press grants accesibility. Behind there is a wooden plank that you must lock so that Sister Madeline cannot get inside. You are also not allowed to find challenges or go in the Laundry until you lock the door. It has a rusted staircase, and leads to a well-kept room with 7 canvas frames and a stool in the middle with various drawers, which contains items needed for the challange. Everytime you place the Grail on the stool, a blue orb will dash to a painting, giving you a challange. A Myserious Mold is located across the entrance of the room.
1.1.1 - 1.1.8[]
1.2.0 onwards[]
- It is most likely one of the safest places the Protagonist can hide from Sister Madeline in. The other is the plank accessible from the Balcony and the Pink Room.