Evil Nun Wiki

The Sewers is a location of The Horror School.


It looks like a brick sewer with water going the left and the other going the right. It also has 2 iron bars that prevent the Protagonist from going through them. It has 2 pipes that can actually knockout the Protagonist if he goes by the wrong way.


The Protagonist has to go there if he escapes with Sister Phillipa and her van. Also, behind the pipe in the left path, there is a secret door that has access to a greater place where the Protagonist can escape through the sewers. Also, the Hook item is only located in the Sewers.



  • This is the first place in school where the Protagonist interacts with water.
  • The fastest way to travel the left and rights paths is when the Protagonist wears the Sneakers of Haste and uses the joystick to move forward.