Evil Nun Wiki

The Singing Fish Trophy is a important item in Evil Nun: Horror in the school.


The acquisition of the item is imperative for the purpose of evading the school premises via the Sewers. The Protagonist must substitute it with the detachable brick found within the Sewers, with the intention of luring the Crocodile towards us, thereby facilitating the destruction of the wall. This will subsequently grant us access to a newly accessible room.


TO ACTIVATE SINGING FISH". When the button is pressed, the fish starts singing and moving its tail. It is a fun and entertaining decoration for any space.


The Singing Fish Trophy will always be in the same position: The small room before the Chemistry Room. There are some animal heads placed in the right wall. The Singing Fish Trophy is placed in the right.


"Well, I wish I was in the land of cotton

Old times there are not forgotten

Look away, look away, look away, Dixie Land

In Dixie's Land, where I was born in

Early on one frosty mornin'

Look away, look away, look away Dixie Land

And I wish I was in Dixie, hooray! Hooray!

In Dixie's Land I'll take my stand

To live and die in Dixie

Away, away, away down south in Dixie

Away, away, away down south in Dixie

Ole Missus marry "Will the Weaver"

William was a gay deceiver

Look away, look away, look away Dixie Land

And when he put his arms around 'er

'Smiled fierce as a forty pounder

Look away, look away, look away, Dixie Land"


  • The Music it sings is actually a real song called: "Dixie's Land."
  • The singing of it will still attract the Crocodile, even if it is not placed in the bricks. It also attracts Sister Madeline.
  • It's possible that the Singing Fish Trophy has the 1916 version because of the same audio distortion as during the other 1900-1920 songs.