Evil Nun Wiki

Sister Madeline is the main antagonist of The Evil Nun series.


  • Sister Madeline is from Poland, it was confirmed in horror brawl and because World War II when Poland was annexed by Third Reich and was the year when Elisa dies to a bombing. And moreover, Elisa's grandparents (who can possibly be the parents of Sister Madeline) are from Warsaw, which is the capital of Poland, which can indicate that Sister Madeline is Polish.
  • However, it is unclear how Sister Madeline reached the United States of America, where Eagles Junior High School was located (in the game).
  • Rod is probably aware of her appearance and her rampage due to the fact that Rod was there for 3 years. He stated in the Ice Scream 7 memories Cutscene: Who is my mother? Is that her? That beautiful woman? Or is it something e-e-lse? (Sister Madeline's drawing changes from beautiful to ugly) *Rod continues: Some kind of monster with ugly teeth (stammering) and a pale face. (Sister Madeline uses her Evil Nun: Maze and Evil Nun: Rush cackle.) Note: the double "and" is not a typo. It is just Rod's stammering.
  • It seems William also has knowledge about Rod because he stated Rod in the Evil Nun: Rush ending as: That "Poor Baby" grew up in school. Note: the caps is not a mistake nor written in the game subtitles. William described Rod as a poor because he was innocent.
  • She wrote in her book about her experimentation to Rod when Rod was 2 years old but during that day which is written as November 21, 1943, She becomes ugly. She stated that her fingernails grew longer and longer which made her very irritated.
  • Sister Madeline became ugly because she has been a bad mother. Wondering when? Of course, no mother or Mad scientist will perform experiments on their children which is the reason why she is considered a bad mother.
  • She became insane because she prayed to Baphomet instead of Nazrát due to her memory problems which were given to her by Nazrát.

Powers and Abilities

  • Curse Inducement/Bestowing

In one of the memories in one of the "Ice Scream" saga, we saw a memory when "Sister Phillipa" was first introduced as a normal nun who appeared to be the superior of "Eagle Junior High School". In the memory we can see Sister Madeline cursing Phillipa, forcing her to be under her control. Due to this curse, Phillipa is not able to leave the school without Madeline's permission and helps out with laundry and tricking parents into sending their children to the cursed school, which is the reason for the initial Evil Nun 1 game.

  • Enhanced Longevity (not confirmed)

From what we've seen, Madeline clearly possesses a form of longevity due to her high versatility, flexibility etc. remaining somewhat the same/sufficient during her many decades of trauma, horror etc. Even though Nàzrat (the entity

who cursed her because she broke a deal), promised her that she'd lose her sanity, she still somewhat is able to keep her mental faculties in place. She also seems to carry the feats of the undead.

  • Teleportation (?)

This was mainly shown in Evil Nun 1. Sister Madeline can teleport through walls, specifically in the sewers. There has been no other instances, however, she does appear to possess Teleportation in some form of degree.

  • Enhanced Strength

Sister Madeline was able to kill a count of 5+ nuns and a set of students, re-organizing the whole school within a single day. It is also incredible to see how many kids she has captive in her laundry using her bare strength and hammer.

  • Enhanced Intelligence

Sister Madeline or the Evil nun, is a Master Tactician (which comes under its own ability), being able to deceive not only parents and children but also authorities, into thinking captured children are either safe in her hands but also come up with stories to authorities to believe that the missing children are out of Madeline's consciousness. (Shown in the notes in the Yellow Door in Evil Nun: The Broken Mask.)
