Evil Nun Wiki

The Nun is a discontinued game made by Keplerians, released on June 26, 2018. The Nun was the original title for Evil Nun during its earliest versions (specifically, its 1.0.x phase), and had comprised of 6 updates spanning from its release date to exactly a month after its release date.


The game was launched on June 26, 2018 with version 1.0 and received 6 updates until July 26, 2018, updates being 1.0.1, 1.0.2, 1.0.3, 1.0.4, 1.0.5 and 1.0.6. However, the game was removed and replaced by Evil Nun: Horror in the School on August 14, 2018, due to a movie with a similar name getting ready to release at the time, and thus the game's name had to be changed to avoid copyright and legal issues. To escape from the nun and win the game, the player had to follow these steps: find and grab a cable to restore the school's power, get a crowbar, go to the room with the bathrooms and go to the furthest one from the room's entrance, remove a barrier that covers a pathway into vent shafts, crouch through the vent shafts, get a blanket from the room it lead to, find a goat head and eagle wings, get the Nun's safe key, and get out.


In this game, you'll be trying to escape from an enraged nun named Sister Madeline while she chases you in a school. You have to make an idol similar to the one she believes in, Baphomet. Find some objects that will help you at it. Once she prays, you will have a chance to take the key from her pocket and you have to use it to escape Through the Main Door.

Difficulty Settings[]



  • This is the project that spawned the entire Evil Nun franchise.
  • Unlike its successor, the Nun in this game does not wear glasses and is shorter. Also, most of the rooms that exist around the Protagonist's Bedroom are merged into a huge hall.
  • The only languages available for the game are English and Spanish.
  • In version 1.0.3, you could not escape due to a bug that doesn't allow you to equip Madeline's safe key (this also happens in the first version (1.1.1) of Evil Nun).
  • In the first 2 versions (1.0.0 and 1.0.1), the safebox that would contain the master key was not yet added, and thus neither was its key, meaning that the key that the Nun would hold in her pocket would actually be the master key instead. This meant that you could just head straight for the door as soon as the Nun prays.