Evil Nun Wiki

Through the Main Door is the first escaping way of Evil Nun: Horror in the school. It is the easiest and fastest way of all.

Items Required and Steps[]



  1. Find the Small Cable and place it in the Electric Panel
  2. Open the Automatic Blind
  3. Find the Broom
  4. In the secretary room, climb up the chair where a Blue Hand will appear.
  5. Look up and hit the rotten ceiling with the Broom
  6. Take the fallen Cookies Box
  7. Go to Balcony and throw it (try not to hit the tramboline)
  8. Go to the Basketball court in which you threw the Cookies Box (Either from the hole in the fence or downstairs)
  9. Get the Main Door's Key and unlock the door.


Coming soon...


  • Before the 1.2.0 update, the Protagonist would need 9 items to escape and it was similar to the Satanic Ritual chapter of the current Story Mode.
  • Escaping for the first time will grant direct acess to the Secret Bunker instead of waiting for 24 hours (If the Player decides to play for once again). Also, an achivement depending on the Game Mode you're playing.