Evil Nun Wiki

William Bismarck (also known as The Blue Handed Child or Mysterious Man) is a character in Evil Nun and the main protagonist of Evil Nun 2.(Born In 1933).



William is a poor-conditioned male, who appears at the Parking entrance of the School. He is supposed to sell tickets for children who wants to participate in the school, instead he is captured by Sister Madeline, in his own messy and small office.

He is generally peaceful and calm, planning from the beginning to escape from Sister Madeline's hands, but also to free the children who are imprisoned in Laundry.

He has long brown hair, blue eyes, a short beard, messy clothes, and a missing leg, but he can still stand up with the help of crutches.


If you didn't collect the Mask Pieces, and approach his office, he will open the small window of the office for 1-2 seconds, and close it afterwards. If you try to look in the office before the Mask Pieces are collected, it will be shown dark no matter what. After you collect the Mask Pieces, no more dark matter will be shown, and you can see the interior, and the Mysterious Man saying to you that you need to find the code so you can open the Laundry door and kill Sister Philippa. Afterwards, he will say beyond the office that you are ready, he will give you some blueprints for a Hot Air Balloon, that proving to be the Player's escape with the rest of The Children and The Man, some time after Sister Philippa, he can be seen taking control of the van, blocking the rear entrance.



If you finish the Balloon, everyone will get in, escaping from Sister Madeline's imprisonment, some time later The Man is seen looking in one of the Balloon's windows, probably happy that he escaped, and you will also get the Saving The Children ending


In 1940, He was trapped by S.M and her mutant chickens when she tried to sacrifice him to bring her dead daughter Elisa back to life, but he managed to escape after S.M got pregnant by Nazrat but he later stained is hands when the holy grail of blue substance fell after S.M collapsed to the ground of being pregnant.

In 1944 where Evil Nun Maze happened, he was trapped in the school.

In the 1950's or 1960's, he was trapped again but this time in the laundry, he later used some of the boxes to make a tower to the roof where there is a vent to escape, according to one of the kids messages in the Secret Bunker, he never came back and they need someone to help them

In 1964, he later came to rescue them as he got older, helped the kids make a hot air balloon and they all escaped from S.M's imprisonment.



  • William is the third adult character in the game, the first being Sister Madeline and the second being Sister Philippa.
  • In rare occasions, William can get stuck on the van that make impossible to done Rescue the Children chapter.
  • It can be assumed that he comes from a German-speaking territory, this is supported by his name etymology.
  • Keplerians said that there will be an update in Evil Nun Maze, telling how he became the blue handed child.
    • It might also show us how he lost his leg and why he lost it.
    • It turned out to be a new game instead of an update. Because of this humble request, a new game was made. It is Evil Nun Rush.
    • Sadly, Evil Nun Rush would not get updated further exploring the lore as Pablo (one of the devs), stated that Both Maze and Rush were experiments and they failed, so there is no point in further updating them.